How to use QR Codes Effectively
If you haven't discovered it yet,'s newest tool is our QR Codes. Our goal is to provide QR Codes to our users so that they might collect new user information more easily and expand their database. QR Codes are small bar code images that can be scanned by a cellphone and provide information. They are intended to be used in print materials at the point of sale. Customers can scan a code and be easily directed to your sign up form right through their mobile device.
QR Codes are not meant to be used inside email messages. This would defeat the primary purpose. QR Codes are meant to give people easy access to information or media on the go. QR Codes are useful when a user is away from their computer but still want to be able to easily access online information. Occasions of this include print advertising, on a menu, a business card, or in any non-digital media.
QR Codes are very easy to use and cheap to include it print advertising. If you are a customer already using they are a great option for you because you don't need to set up any data capturing tools on the back end because we already have you covered. QR Codes can quickly grow your email marketing list and bring in even more business. If you have additional questions about QR Codes, please contact us. We are here to help!