Is Email Marketing Still Viable?

The answer is yes!

A recent article over at discusses the current numbers and concludes that e-mail remains popular with consumers and the marketing oppurtunity is still excellent. All facts and figures come from a new study which has the following theme: e-mail is a wonderful medium for marketing, if it is utilized in the right manner.

In the simplest of terms, one has to decide how e-mail marketing fits into their overall strategy. Are your email campaigns going to supplement your print marketing? Replace your print marketing? Add value to your website? Deciding on the reason for your e-mail marketing provides a sense of direction and purpose and can help guide you from day-to-day, month-to-month, or whatever the frequency of your emails.

If you run a bricks-and-mortar store, your e-mail might contain special offers to entice return customers, or it might contain news updates that are of interest to your customers to maintain your store's mindshare.

If you run a business entirely through a website, email might be your only source of communication with your customers. A regular newsletter to keep vistors abreast of changes, new features and the like becomes the virtual equivilant of driving past a physical storefront-- just a simple reminder that your company still exists and cares about its clients.

What to remember-
Try to remain consistent with your mailings. If your email is deployed on an established schedule, reading your email can become part of a customer's routine.

Give them what they need. Don't overwhelm customers with hundreds of offers; pick a few of the important, enticing offers to keep your e-mail simple and enjoyable.

Email marketing is alive and kicking. Decide where it belongs in your strategy today.

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