- 01 Sep 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Google Priority Inbox: How will it change email marketing?
Google has release their new feature named Priority Inbox. It has the potential of changing the way Gmail users view their email and affecting the success of your email campaigns. Learn the basics about Priority Inbox so you know how to use it to your advantage. READ MORE
- 03 Aug 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Strategies for Regaining the Attention of your Email List
When your email marketing list goes cold, what recourse can you take? Admail.net outlines some of the ways that marketers can spruce up their emails and regain the attention of their recipients. READ MORE
- 02 Aug 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Making the Most of your Campaign Statistics
The statistic your get from your email marketing campaign can be more the just a measure of your success! Admail.net can tell you how you can utilize these statistics to not only measure your success but to actually improve it. READ MORE
- 19 Jul 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Stop Calling Your Campaign an Email Blast
Exploring the term "email blast" and speculating as to why the email marketing community should no longer use it in their everyday language. READ MORE
- 09 Jul 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
The Golden Rule Approach to Email Marketing
A brief look at some of the best ways to improve your email marketing strategies by simply following common sense techniques. READ MORE
- 22 Jun 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Integrating Social Media for More Effective Email Campaigns
Email campaigns are a great way to communicate with your contact list. Whether you are advertising or sending news updates about a group or organization, email is an effective tool for presenting information. Email isn't the only way you should be reaching your recipients online however. READ MORE
- 15 Jun 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Puerto Rican Day Parade & Digital Marketing Days Expo!
Admail.net is currently in New York City for the Digital Marketing Days Expo! We were lucky enough to see the Puerto Rican Day Parade and look how nice the booth looks! READ MORE
- 25 May 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Why does my email look different in editor/preview?
This is by far one of the most commonly asked questions that we get here at Admail.net. Our users expect to see exactly what they have created in our editor to appear in their recipient's email inbox. We completely understand this expectation and we also wish it could always work out that way. We've gone to great lengths to make our email editor as compatible as possible with every email client, but the simple fact is, it's impossible to make any editor absolutely compatible for every email READ MORE
- 28 Apr 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
FundRaising Success Virtual Conference & Expo!
Join Admail.net and other great sponsors at the Fund Raising Success Virtual Conference and Expo. READ MORE
- 20 Apr 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Our Pricing Vs. Competitors
Admail.net has the most powerful mass email and email marketing system in the business while maintaining extremely competitive rates. Our pricing plans for our bulk email campaigns are based on how many emails you want to send unlike some of our competitors who charge you based on your list size. READ MORE
- 14 Apr 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Improved Email Template Previews
A new Admail feature to help you get the most out of our email campaign system. You can now see larger previews of our email templates to help you selected the correct template for your message. READ MORE
- 31 Mar 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Text Email or White-Paper Template?
Ever wonder if you should use an HTML email template or a plain text email for your simple email campaigns? Admail discusses the pros and cons of the two formats on the Admail blog. READ MORE
- 31 Mar 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Suppression List Option Added!
Admail.net has added a new feature to their List Builder. Now all users can upload their own suppression files. This will improve contact management and will assist in better, more self sufficient email marketing campaigns. READ MORE
- 08 Mar 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
An Example of Alt Text & Slicing Done Right
A graphical representation of how alternate text and slicing of your images can improve the look of your email. READ MORE
- 22 Feb 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
12 Email Marketing Best Practices From Admail.net
A comprehensive guide to effectively communicating through email marketing. This post is collection of best practice tips and advice developed by the email marketers at Admail.net over a period of 15 years. This is a great beginners guide for any email marketer. READ MORE
- 29 Jan 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Creating Image Based Emails and Using Alt Text & Slicing
A detailed explanation of creating alternate text and slicing images to create imaged based html emails in the admail email campaign builder. READ MORE
- 18 Jan 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
The Open Rate: What does it all mean?
When confronted with statistics like open rates do you really understand what it all means? If you don't, you should. Be educated about your statistics and avoid analytic paralysis in your email marketing campaign. READ MORE
- 11 Jan 2010
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Simple HTML Code Every Email Marketer Should Know
Easy to use and remember html code that can be helpful in any marketer's tool chest. READ MORE
- 24 Dec 2009
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Upcoming Holiday "Gifts" In Email Builder 2.0
Email Builder 2.0 is coming and its a holiday treat that all of our customers are bound to love! READ MORE
- 14 Dec 2009
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- Author: Dan Lukens
Reprogram Your Brain To Send Good Emails: Use Thumbnails
When you send out an email campaign, use your head! There are several ways to improve the deliverability of your html emails, one of them being using appropriately sized images. Using images that are very large is a red flag for spam filters and makes the emails less appealing and harder to load. READ MORE