The Blog makes email marketing simple. Browse through our posts to learn valuable email marketing tips, best practices, and stay up-to-date on current email marketing techniques and services.

  • 27 Jul 2007
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  • Author: Alynn Gillespie

Make a Connection Between your Newsletter & SEO

Post completed versions of your newsletters to your website in a resource center area. The posted articles will continue to generate traffic for years as a result of organic searchers. Develop your newsletter content and titles using key words, phrases and crosslinks that would help with SEO (Search Engine Optimization). READ MORE

  • 27 Jul 2007
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  • Author: Alynn Gillespie

Using the Signup Form

There are many advantages to using our signup form. First of's free! Secondly...We check the email address for errors that cause an email to not be delivered. Most web forms created by website developers never bother to check. When admail's signup form is submitted, our system checks the email address for the @ sign, spaces, double periods, and commas in place of periods--in short, all of the things that can make for an invalid email address. This feature reduces the number of READ MORE

  • 27 Jul 2007
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  • Author: Alynn Gillespie

Creativity in Email Design - Do's & Don't's

Great ideas for what to do and not to do when designing your emails. READ MORE

  • 27 Jun 2007
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  • Author: Alynn Gillespie

How To Avoid Spam Filters... There Are No Magic Bullets

You may be subjecting your campaigns to undue attention and unnecessary spam filtering. Most spam filters use a concept of a "weight" or "score" to decide if the email you're sending is spam. The higher the score, the higher the chance that the message is spam. Like golf, you want the lowest score possible. READ MORE

  • 28 Feb 2007
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  • Author: Robert Hicks

Affiliate Email Marketing

First what is affiliate marketing? It is the use by one Web site of other Web sites or in this case emailers to help market the first site's products. Typically, revenue is shared by the affiliate merchant—the Web site or email marketer featuring an ad or content designed to drive traffic to another site (the advertiser's)--with the affiliate receiving a fee based on the amount of traffic generated or orders received. It is thought that created the first large scale affiliate READ MORE

  • 14 Jan 2006
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  • Author: Robert Hicks

Concerns Raised by Experts

E-mail marketing experts have raised concerns about the quality of e-mail marketing and some poor practices in the field. These issues include personalization, SPF identification, 100% controlled e-mail bounces for better list hygiene, controlling how much e-mail going out on a single Interenet Address, e-mail templets that don’t contain nested tables. All of these issues are addressed by our team at and continue to be at the top of our priority list. READ MORE

  • 12 Jan 2006
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  • Author: Robert Hicks

Developing Your Email Marketing Program

Here are some tips we've collected that should help in developing your e-mail marketing program. READ MORE

  • 14 Oct 2005
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  • Author: Thaddeus Quintin

Confirm Your Reality

"Real isn't how you are made," said the Skin Horse. "It's a thing that happens to you." --The Velveteen Rabbit READ MORE

  • 14 Sep 2005
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  • Author: Robert Hicks

Signup Now! Tips for Effective Signups

Studies currently show the top right corner is the best location to place your newsletter signup link, button or field. Although what is best for your needs should be answered by you, not a GURU or Marketing MAVEN. The following are tips and suggestions; Take your time digesting them-- it's your business. READ MORE

  • 14 Jul 2005
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  • Author: Thaddeus Quintin

Step Away from the Newsletter

Every week or every month you put together your email. You know how it looks, you know the quirks of the layout, and you know how much copy looks good in it. But when was the last time you looked at it? Really looked at it? When was the last time you asked yourself, "Would I want to read this?" READ MORE

  • 14 Jul 2005
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  • Author: Thaddeus Quintin

Sign Ups and You

Now that you have a regular electronic mailing, how do you keep it growing? Normal attrition will slowly eat away at your list, so a steady stream of new List Members will help keep your numbers up. READ MORE

  • 15 Jun 2005
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  • Author: Thaddeus Quintin

Where have all the images gone?

More and more email programs are blocking images. If the layout of your email depends on the placement of certain images, then the look-and-feel of your email can be seriously compromised. READ MORE

  • 14 Jun 2005
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  • Author: Thaddeus Quintin

Email is Not the Web

Most of us read email every day. The vast majority of us write email every day as well. We compose quick notes to our bosses, convey information to our clients, and update our loved ones on current events. READ MORE

  • 15 May 2005
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  • Author: Thaddeus Quintin

Uploading Data- tips and Tricks's List Builder is a simple interface to a modern, multi-threaded Relational Database Management System. The Upload service is one facet of List Builder, which gives you the ability to add, update, and segregate List Members. READ MORE

  • 15 May 2005
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  • Author: Thaddeus Quintin

The "Customer Service" Address

One of the great things about email is the "Reply" button. With one click, you can create a response without looking up a single address. It's very easy and very natural and an integral part of the email experience. READ MORE

  • 15 May 2005
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  • Author: Thaddeus Quintin

Is Email Marketing Still Viable?

The answer is yes! READ MORE

  • 14 Mar 2005
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  • Author: Alynn Gillespie

Proofreading your Work

You'd never let a print ad appear with a typo in the headline. Your email subject line is likely to be read by more prospects. Do you need another reason to make sure your email is error free? READ MORE

  • 14 Mar 2005
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  • Author: Alynn Gillespie

Increase Your Email Delivery

Email marketing success includes ensuring your email messages are delivered and have a shot at being opened. We'll take a look at some steps you can take to increase the chances your email will make it to an inbox and get opened. READ MORE

  • 14 Mar 2005
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  • Author: Alynn Gillespie

Concerns of Older Lists

Many companies collect customer and prospect email addresses as a matter of course. Most are careful to obtain permission to use those addresses for marketing purposes. Those addresses are added to a database... and there they remain. Along come the marketers that classify and segment users to send targeted offers and promotions. Unfortunately, this campaign-driven, target-oriented approach can lead to some addresses not receiving any messages for months, even years. READ MORE

  • 14 Feb 2005
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  • Author: Alynn Gillespie

Tips for Growing your List

You always want to bring in new opt-in subscribers, enough, at least, to replace the e-mail addresses lost each month (via hard bounces and unsubscribes). Hopefully you bring in more, so the list grows. Here are some tips for deeper analysis and really identifying where you can boost opt-ins. READ MORE

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