The Blog makes email marketing simple. Browse through our posts to learn valuable email marketing tips, best practices, and stay up-to-date on current email marketing techniques and services.

  • 25 May 2010
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

Why does my email look different in editor/preview?

This is by far one of the most commonly asked questions that we get here at Our users expect to see exactly what they have created in our editor to appear in their recipient's email inbox. We completely understand this expectation and we also wish it could always work out that way. We've gone to great lengths to make our email editor as compatible as possible with every email client, but the simple fact is, it's impossible to make any editor absolutely compatible for every email READ MORE

  • 28 Apr 2010
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

FundRaising Success Virtual Conference & Expo!

Join and other great sponsors at the Fund Raising Success Virtual Conference and Expo. READ MORE

  • 20 Apr 2010
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

Our Pricing Vs. Competitors has the most powerful mass email and email marketing system in the business while maintaining extremely competitive rates. Our pricing plans for our bulk email campaigns are based on how many emails you want to send unlike some of our competitors who charge you based on your list size. READ MORE

  • 14 Apr 2010
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

Improved Email Template Previews

A new Admail feature to help you get the most out of our email campaign system. You can now see larger previews of our email templates to help you selected the correct template for your message. READ MORE

  • 31 Mar 2010
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

Text Email or White-Paper Template?

Ever wonder if you should use an HTML email template or a plain text email for your simple email campaigns? Admail discusses the pros and cons of the two formats on the Admail blog. READ MORE

  • 31 Mar 2010
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

Suppression List Option Added! has added a new feature to their List Builder. Now all users can upload their own suppression files. This will improve contact management and will assist in better, more self sufficient email marketing campaigns. READ MORE

  • 08 Mar 2010
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

An Example of Alt Text & Slicing Done Right

A graphical representation of how alternate text and slicing of your images can improve the look of your email. READ MORE

  • 22 Feb 2010
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

12 Email Marketing Best Practices From

A comprehensive guide to effectively communicating through email marketing. This post is collection of best practice tips and advice developed by the email marketers at over a period of 15 years. This is a great beginners guide for any email marketer. READ MORE

  • 29 Jan 2010
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

Creating Image Based Emails and Using Alt Text & Slicing

A detailed explanation of creating alternate text and slicing images to create imaged based html emails in the admail email campaign builder. READ MORE

  • 18 Jan 2010
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

The Open Rate: What does it all mean?

When confronted with statistics like open rates do you really understand what it all means? If you don't, you should. Be educated about your statistics and avoid analytic paralysis in your email marketing campaign. READ MORE

  • 11 Jan 2010
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

Simple HTML Code Every Email Marketer Should Know

Easy to use and remember html code that can be helpful in any marketer's tool chest. READ MORE

  • 24 Dec 2009
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

Upcoming Holiday "Gifts" In Email Builder 2.0

Email Builder 2.0 is coming and its a holiday treat that all of our customers are bound to love! READ MORE

  • 14 Dec 2009
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

Reprogram Your Brain To Send Good Emails: Use Thumbnails

When you send out an email campaign, use your head! There are several ways to improve the deliverability of your html emails, one of them being using appropriately sized images. Using images that are very large is a red flag for spam filters and makes the emails less appealing and harder to load. READ MORE

  • 07 Dec 2009
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

Largely overlooked ways to improve your email readership

An instructional post describing how to improve the result of any email marketing campaign by getting on your recipients contact list and by using familiar branding. READ MORE

  • 18 Nov 2009
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

Best Practices: Honesty is the Best Policy!

Advertising requires honesty and this applies, by law, to mass mailing sent out to mail lists. If your business uses html mass email marketing don't forget that your reputation depends on your following Federal Trade Commission guidelines. By using common sense and best practices, along with Admail's email builder, you can produce an effective and business-driving bulk email campaign. READ MORE

  • 13 Nov 2009
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  • Author: Dan Lukens Continues To Grow, Recruits New Content Manager

At customer service has always been number one. To maintain that quality and to provide their customers with an even higher level of support, has hired Dan Lukens as their new Content Manager. READ MORE

  • 12 Nov 2009
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  • Author: Dan Lukens

7 Rules for Designing Your Email for Mobile Devices

7 fast and easy ways to design your emails to be compatible with mobile devices. READ MORE

  • 30 Jun 2009
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  • Author: Robert Hicks

Why Buying a List can be a Bad Idea!

Buying a list of emails to send email marketing to can be enticing because it's easy, but the negative consequences are not worth the trouble in the end. READ MORE

  • 13 Apr 2009
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  • Author: Robert Hicks

5 Seconds You Can't Afford To Waste

FACT: In five seconds or less, your company's email subject and content will determine whether a customer decides to keep your newsletter or update;  Or flag-it as SPAM. READ MORE

  • 11 Apr 2009
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  • Author: Robert Hicks

Internet Explorer 8 Users "Just say No"

When using your Admail Email Builder Templates with Images - IE 8's default security setting will ask you "Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely" and the answer is "No". If you say yes the unsecured Images in your Template  (photos, logos, etc) will not load and you will find yourself stuck!  See sample screen shot below. READ MORE

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