- 10 Sep 2004
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- Author: Alynn Gillespie
Rethink When to Send Campaigns
We have all learned the best day to deliver correspondence is Tuesday. The reason... Tuesday is the lightest day for mail delivery and therefore your piece is less likely to get lost in the barrage. This thinking has transcended from conventional marketing to e-marketing and while it worked in the beginning, the time has come for a shift in the paradigm. Why? If it's common knowledge for marketers, it's common knowledge for spammers too. READ MORE
- 10 Sep 2004
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- Author: Alynn Gillespie
CAN-SPAM Compliance in a Hormel® World
MX Logic reports that in July, CAN-SPAM compliance was less than 1 percent of all e-mail tested. Less than 1 percent! Granted, that's for all e-mail tested, including the really spammy stuff. But being CAN-SPAM compliant is not that difficult. If you're not in compliance. it's time to get there. It isn't that hard and will keep you from having to lay out a hefty retainer for a CAN-SPAM suit. READ MORE
- 10 Aug 2004
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- Author: Todd Paridon
More changes at Admail.net
The upgrading of the template section of the web site is complete. You are no longer limited to the amount of articles available in each template. READ MORE
- 15 Jul 2004
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- Author: Alynn Gillespie
The black and white of blacklists versus whitelists
Spam is something that is not likely to disappear anytime soon, lets face it, it's a way of life. To try and combat the problem some ISPs and users alike have opted to employ spam filtering software. Most of this software makes use of some sort of blacklist and/or whitelist, but what are they and how do they work? READ MORE
- 10 Jul 2004
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- Author: Alynn Gillespie
How to get the most from your HTML email efforts
If you are sending out HTML e-mails that you have designed, you may be able to improve your ROI and CTR by changing the placement of your content. In print media, people's eyes move in a fairly predictable pattern. If you design an ad with that in mind, the product is easier to read and comprehend. While there are some differences, electronic media operates on the same basic principles. READ MORE
- 15 Jun 2004
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- Author: Thaddeus Quintin
Upgrades for Demographic Target Filters
Requests have come in asking for more usability with our demographic target filters. Users of Admail.net's Advantage packages will now notice it is easier to manage and maintain your filters. READ MORE
- 15 Jun 2004
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- Author: Alynn Gillespie
Creating a Better E-newsletter
The lessons learned by the editors of the HP shopping newsletter can be translated into ideas to make your newsletter have more impact. After extensive testing in which individuals who read the newsletter were observed and interviewed, it was discovered that one of the the key areas for the newsletters' success was found to be in navigation and layout. READ MORE
- 14 Jun 2004
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- Author: Todd Paridon
List Downloads Are Now Available
At admail.net, we listen to your suggestions. As a result, new features are being added and others improved. One of the recent additions debuting this month is a new download section. READ MORE
- 15 Apr 2004
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- Author: Alynn Gillespie
Tips to Get Your Campaign Through
Spam has become a major issue and anti-spam services have made an attempt at lessening the problem. If the trend continues more and more companies will be employing spam filtering. As a legitimate opt-in marketer, this means that if you are not careful about the content AND construction of your e-mail campaigns, you may be subjecting your campaigns to undue attention and unnecessary spam filtering. READ MORE
- 15 Apr 2004
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- Author: Todd Paridon
Coming Soon... Increased Functionality for Interest Groups
Be on the lookout for additional functionality from your interest groups. We've upped the maximum allowable to 32 current interest groups and built in some new features. READ MORE
- 15 Mar 2004
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- Author: Todd Paridon
Concerned About the New Can-Spam Law? List Builder™ Can Help
The new Can-Spam law requires e-mail marketers to include an opt-out link in all campaigns. If a recipient requests to be removed from your mailing list, they are not to receive any further correspondence from you. This requires you to have and maintain an accurate and responsive suppression list for those who have opted-out or be faced with the possibility of fines and lawsuits. READ MORE
- 15 Mar 2004
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- Author: Todd Paridon
Client List Uploads Becoming More Versatile and Robust
Debuting the week of March 22, uploading your list of clients will become easier. If you have an Admail.net Advantage account, you will be able to upload your list into your account in a variety of ways, including pipe delimited, comma delimited and tab delimited format. READ MORE
- 15 Feb 2004
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- Author: Robert Hicks
New Features at admail.net
The programmers at Admail have been hard at work developing new features for the web site. READ MORE
- 15 Feb 2004
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- Author: Alynn Gillespie
Can-Spam Act... The Basics
The Can-Spam act has been in effect for a little over a month now, so how does this effect you? Well, as long as you play by the rules, it may end up benefiting you more than you know. This new bill supersedes all state laws, so if you are doing business in a state with tougher laws, things have just lightened up a bit. Also, by requiring all e-mail advertisers to include a functioning return address, a physical address for the organization, and a clearly stated opt-out, the law could help remove some of the stigma attached to e-mail marketing. READ MORE
- 15 Dec 2003
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- Author: Thomas Lingenfelter
Do's and Dont's of List Selection
You have your perfect customer model and your ready to move forward with your email campaign. All you have to do is select the appropriate mailing lists to start your campaign, right? Don't you wish it was that easy. List selection is a combination of art and science. Therefore, as in our previous newsletters we have a list of list selection nuggets to help you make the job a little easier: READ MORE
- 15 Dec 2003
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- Author: Alynn Gillespie
Choosing Customers That Will Keep Coming Back
Drilling down and mining the best prospects for email campaigns has become the holy grail of today's direct marketer. While the cost of direct email marketing is much lower than conventional direct mail marketing, the need to get the most bang for you marketing dollar is still a priority. Therefore, you want to ensure that you have chosen your target audience wisely and that you have set realistic benchmarks for your campaign. This entails more than writing the perfect marketing message or READ MORE
- 15 Nov 2003
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- Author: Thomas Lingenfelter
The Importance of Testing
Over 40% of email today is classified as SPAM. Many current and prospective customers out there are suffering from email weariness. Now, imagine what the impact of a poorly planned or executed email marketing campaign can have. Not only does the company lose the chance to gain a new customer, it also runs the risk of alienating its existing customer base. READ MORE
- 15 Nov 2003
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- Author: Thomas Lingenfelter
The Case for Test Design
It would be nice to rely on a list of successful marketing techniques focused on the email arena. However, the truth is there are not many simple, tried and true email marketing techniques out there. Testing is essential, if you want to consistently reach the largest number of your target audience. The cost of testing is outweighed by the costs of failing to test. You can design simple A/B split tests or head-to-head tests for a couple of variables in your email. However, the chances that these READ MORE
- 15 Oct 2003
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- Author: Thomas Lingenfelter
Six Tips For Email Direct Marketers
These tips cover some essential tips for Email Direct Marketers. Topics cover permission, the From field, unsubscribing, email length, and timing your email delivery. READ MORE
- 15 Oct 2003
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- Author: Thomas Lingenfelter
Helping You To Develop More Effective Email Campaigns!
Current California law, and pending legislation in several other states, indicates that SPAM is rapidly escalating the anxiety level of many Americans. Recipients of e-mail are getting tired of all the unsolicited credit-card debt relief, physical enhancement and adult entertainment messages that are crossing their desktops every day. In attempts to address the situation, legislatures have put forth a patchwork of regulations aimed at SPAM. Unfortunately, legitimate email marketers are being tarred with the same brush as SPAMMERS. Add to this the overabundance of SPAM filtering packages, and you have solutions being introduced that can exterminate legitimate e-mail as well as unsolicited e-mail. The good news is that clearance of this SPAM filtering hurdle is the focus of many internet business interests. The Project Lumos White Paper is a good example. READ MORE